CSCI 310 Advanced Algorithms (Fall 2024)

Contact Information

  • Instructor: Michael Levet (He/Him/His)
    • Contact: lastnamefirstinitial (at) cofc (dot) edu
    • Office: Harbor Walk East 312
    • Location:
      • HWEA 300: 9:55-11:10
      • HWEA 300: 11:20-12:35
      • Zoom- Remote Synchronous, for those who wish to participate remotely.
    • Office Hours (Tentative):
      • MW: 5:30-6:30 PM on Zoom
      • By appointment
  • Syllabus
  • Official Course Textbook
  • Google Forms: (You must be signed in to your CofC account to access these forms.)


  • 12/3:
    • HW15 and HW16 are now graded.
      • The cutoff for Proficiency on Standard 30 (HW15) required: Progress or better on all problems, and Proficiency or better on at least two problems
      • The cutoff for Proficiency on Standard 29 (HW16) required Proficiency or better on all problems.
    • Updated Progress Reports are now posted. Please check your records against mine. As usual, please use the Regrade Request Google Form to bring any issues to my attention.
    • If you have taken a Retake Token Quiz, and it has not made it to Gradescope as of 6:25 PM today, then it is not included in your Progress Report.
  • 12/1: I will have an extra hour of office hours over Zoom tomorrow from 9:15-10:15 AM. I will still be holding my usual 5:30-6:30 PM office hours over Zoom.
  • 11/27:
    • Progress Reports have been posted to Gradescope. I have incorporated the Syllabus Quiz (Standard 0), to clarify your standing.
    • If your Retake Token Quiz has been graded on Gradescope as of 9:20 AM, then that grade is incorporated into your Progress Report.
    • Please check your records against mine. As usual, I reserve the right to correct errors in my records (positively or negatively).
    • Please submit to the Regrade Request Google Form and not email if something has been recorded incorrectly.
    • At present, I have received 5 responses regarding feedback for the final. Nobody suggested changes, and at least one person asked that Induction and Dynamic Programming both remain in the second half of the final.
    • For these reasons, I will divide the standards according to the Final Exam Proposal here.
    • Continue to stay in touch about the support you need. I will do my best to accommodate. I know the end of the semester is always busy and stressful.
  • 11/25:
    • HW13- Attempt 1 has been graded. If you are happy with your grade, there is nothing more to do.
    • If you did not submit or are not happy with your grade, you can still submit to HW13- Attempt 2.
    • HW13- Attempt 2 is due on 12/8 at 8 PM. The initial due date was 12/6 at 8 PM, but I extended it to reduce conflicts with other exams.
    • I strongly discourage focusing on HW13 at the expense of taking the relevant quizzes on the final. The quizzes will be more helpful for your grades than HW13.
  • 11/24: I am extending the deadline to submit retake tokens by 24 hours, until 11/26 at 8 PM.
  • 11/18:
    • At this point, we are done covering new material. Therefore, we will not have any more class meetings. Instead, I would like to return the time to you all, to work on what you need to for class.
    • I will be in my office on 11/19 and 11/21 from 10:45-11:45, for additional office hours. Please feel free to stop by in-person or on Zoom!
    • I will be available on 11/26 from 10:45-11:45 via Zoom for additional office hours.
    • I will still hold my usual MW 5:30-6:30 PM office hours.
  • 11/17:
    • My proposal for the Final Requizzing Period is here.
    • Here is the anonymous feedback form for the final.
    • I encourage everyone to share their thoughts-- positive or negative. In particular, if you like the proposal and don't want to see changes, please explicitly say so.
    • I will carefully consider everyone's feedback, but I cannot promise that I will be able to accommodate everyone's requests.
    • I would request all feedback by 11/26 at 8 PM, so that I can work on getting the final online after that.
  • 11/16:
    • RQ2 is now graded. Please check that for each quiz you submitted on RQ2, that it made it to Gradescope.
    • Progress Reports are now posted. This includes everything through RQ2, including HW14 (whereas your Progree Report on 11/11 did not include HW14).
    • Please check that your records agree with mine. If there is an issue, please submit to the Regrade Request Google Form and not via email.
    • Here is some data:
      • Proficiency At Least Once (out of Standards 1-24):
        • Average: 19.56 standards
        • First Quartile Cutoff: 16.5 standards
        • Median: 21 standards
        • Third Quartile Cutoff: 23 standards
      • Proficiency Twice/Full Credit (out of Standards 1-24):
        • Average: 14.87 standards
        • First Quartile Cutoff: 11 standards
        • Median: 15 standards
        • Third Quartile Cutoff: 18 standards
    • I am generally happy with where folks are. With that said, there is still a lot of room to raise your grades.
    • I recommend focusing on the upcoming quizzes (Standards 20-21, 23-24), retake tokens and HW15. HW13 and HW16 are very challenging, and also worth less than the retake tokens and HW15.
  • 11/11
    • Progress reports are now posted. Please check that your records agree with mine.
    • For Standard 20 on RQ2, the assessment will look similar to Standard 5. You will have to demonstrate proficiency twice on Standard 20.
    • Class will be cancelled on 11/14 in light of RQ2.
  • 11/5
    • HW15 is now posted.
    • HW16 will become available on 11/7 at 1 PM.
    • Both HW15 and HW16 are due on 12/2 at 8 PM.
    • HW16 is disproportionately challenging. I recommend focusing on HW15 and the retake tokens first.
  • 11/3 For HW12, the Proficiency cutoffs are as follows:
    • Standard 23: Proficiency on both Q2 and Q3, or Outstanding on one and Progress on the other.
    • Standard 24: Proficiency on both Q4 and Q5, or Progress on Q4 and Outstanding on Q5.
  • 11/2 I realize deadlines have been close together, so I pushed HW14 back until 11/10 at 8 PM to try and help. Please be aware that if you ask for an extension on HW14, then you might not have it graded prior to RQ2. I will do my best, but cannot promise.
  • 10/30:
    • A minor clarification-- for HW12, Problem 4, please provide the lookup table for all 14 vertices. You need only show work for vertices 9-14.
    • For HW11, Standard 22, the Proficiency cutoff required on (Q4, Q5), either Proficiency on both questions, or Outstanding on one question and Progress on the other.
  • 10/28: Correction: RQ2 will incude Standards 13-24. Thanks to those of you who brought this to my attention!
  • 10/27:
    • Quizzes for Standards 18-19, 22 will run from 11/7 through 11/9 at 8 PM.
    • Requizzing Period 2 (RQ2) will run from 11/14 through 11/16 at 4 PM.
      • RQ2 will include Standards 13-24.
      • This will be the third scheduled attempt for Standards 14-19, 22.
      • This will be the second scheduled attempt for Standards 20-21, 23-24.
    • The third scheduled attempt for Standards 20-21, 23-24 will run from 11/21 through 11/26 at 8 PM. I hope this is helpful in allowing you all to space out your work for your other classes and travel plans.
    • The Retake Token form still closes on 11/25 at 8 PM.
    • HW14 will be due on 11/8 at 8 PM. I have made a concerted effort to keep this short.
    • You will only need to demonstrate proficiency once for Standards 26-30. There will be two scheduled attempts: HW and the Final Requizzing Period.
    • HW15 covering Standards 26-28, 30 will be due on 12/2 at 8 PM.
    • HW16 covering Standard 29 will also be due on 12/2 at 8 PM. This standard is abstract and will require you to synthesize concepts in new ways. The amount of work might be disproportionate to its impacts on your grade. On the other hand, there is a lot to learn from this assignment. Budget your time accordingly.
    • The Final Requizzing Period will be split into two parts:
      • Part I will run from Dec. 4 through Dec. 6 at 8 PM, covering some subset of standards (TBD).
      • Part II will run from Dec. 7 through Dec. 9 at 8 PM, covering the remaining standards (TBD).
      • Both parts will have the same format as RQ1 and RQ2. Each standard will be its own OAKS quiz.
      • The 320 final is scripted for Dec. 5, and the 340 final is scripted for Dec. 6.
      • I am therefore tentatively thinking about trying to place easier standards in Part I. Your input is welcome-- I know that finals week is stressful.
      • Standards 26-30 will appear in Part II, to give me time to grade HW15-16.
      • I will do my best to have the Retake Token Quizzes graded prior to the Final, but I am not able to promise this.
      • I must submit final grades by Dec. 11 at noon. This is a firm deadline for me.
      • My goal is to post final grades (either to Gradescope or OAKS, TBD) sometime on Dec. 10 (as soon as I am able), so that you all can inspect them and we can ensure that my records are accurate.
  • The Withdrawal deadline is 10/25.
  • 10/25: HW10 is now graded. For the Standard 17 Proficiency cutoff, it was necessary to earn at least Proficiency on both problems.
  • 10/22:
    • Quizzes over Standards 13-14 will run from 10/24 through 10/26 at 8 PM.
    • Quizzes over Standards 15-17 will run from 10/31 through 11/2 at 8 PM.
  • 10/19:
    • HW11 is now open. It is due on 10/28 at 8 PM. I have done my best to keep this short.
    • HW12 opens on 10/22 at 1 PM. It is due on 11/2 at 8 PM.
    • HW13 opens on 10/22 at 1 PM. I have tried to set the deadlines for this as generously as possible.
      • You may turn in an initial attempt for feedback by 11/25 at 8 PM.
      • If you like your grade on the initial attempt, then there is nothing more you need to do.
      • If you do not like your grade, or you did not make the initial attempt, you may turn in a (revised) version by 12/6 at 8 PM.
      • There is only one attempt at Standard 25 (this assignment); hence, the revisions.
      • Please note that final grades are due to the university by 12/11 at noon. The 12/6 deadline is unlikely to be extended.
    • The retake token Google form is now open (see the link above, near the Regrade Request form).
      • The form will close on Monday November 25 at 8 PM, so that I can process everything in a timely manner and so that you all will have time to take your quizzes.
      • This is a firm deadline; there will be no extensions.
      • You will have your RQ2 (date TBD) grades reasonably before then.
      • If you submit corrections and reflections reasonably ahead of time, and they are not sufficient, I will let you know so that you have time to fix them and resubmit.
      • Note that if you submit near the deadline, you may not have time to iterate on your corrections and reflections. Please plan accordingly.
      • The purpose of these quizzes is to provide an opportunity for you all to raise your grades, rather than to provide feedback. Grades may not be timely.
  • 10/16: Class will be cancelled tomorrow due to Requizzing Period 1.
  • 10/9:
    • HW8 grades have been posted. The cutoff for Proficiency on Standard 12 was: >= Progress on all questions, and >= Proficiency on at least three questions.
    • HW10 is now posted. It is due on 10/23 at 8 PM.
  • 9/29:
    • HW9 opens on 10/1 at 1 PM.
      • It will be due on 10/11 at 8 PM.
      • While I have done my best to streamline this assignment, it is lengthy. I recommend starting early.
    • Progress Reports have been posted to OAKS indicating the number of times you have demonstrated proficiency for a given standard.
      • Please check your records against mine.
      • Submit to the Regrade Request Google Form and NOT email if there is a discrepancy (positive or negative).
      • I reserve the right to update my records (positively or negatively) if I find I have recorded something incorrectly.
    • Midterm Grades are due to the university on 10/11 by noon. I will be out of town this weekend at a conference, and cannot promise timely grading of the quizzes for Standards 7-9 and HW8. Therefore, I am trying to get midterm grades situated now.
      • The data I am using to issue midterm grades is the number of standards for which you have demonstrated proficiency at least once.
      • There are 12 standards (Standards 1-12) that will be used. The Syllabus Quiz (Standard 0) will not be incorporated.
      • The first quartile cutoff is a historically good gauge of whether folks are on-track to pass.
      • The first quartile cutoff is 6.75 standards at least once.
      • The median is 7 standards at least once, and the average is 7.33 standards at least once.
      • Midterm Grades will be issued according to the following cutoffs:
        • A: 9-12 standards
        • B: 7-8 standards
        • C-: 6 standrads
        • D+: 5 standards
        • D: 4 standards
        • F: 0-3 standards
  • 9/27: The cutoffs for Proficiency on HW6, Standard 7 were as follows:
    • Progress or better on Q2, Q3, and Q4, and
    • Proficiency or better on at least two of Q2, Q3, and Q4.
  • 9/25: There is a minor correction to HW7, Standard 10, Part (d):
    • The original formulation asked to consider a flow augmenting path s-B-E-t.
    • This should be s-C-E-t.
    I have corrected this and uploaded revised files to OAKS. Many thanks to one of your classmates for bringing this to my attention!
  • 9/20:
    • HW7 is now posted. Recall that it is due on 9/28 at 8 PM.
    • HW8 will become available on 9/24 at 1 PM (after class). Recall that it is due on 10/3 at 8 PM.
  • 9/18: HW5 is now graded. The cutoffs are as follows.
    • Standard 5 Proficiency:
      • Progress or better on Q2, Q3, and Q4, and either
      • Proficiency on all three of Q2, Q3, and Q4, or at least two Outstandings.
    • Standard 6 Proficiency:
      • Progress or better on Q5, Q6a, and Q6b, and either
      • Proficiency on both Q5 and Q6b, or Progress on Q5 and Outstanding on Q6b.
  • 9/14:
    • HW4 is now graded.
      • You can submit your final attempt to OAKS by 9/30 at 8 PM.
      • If you like your grade from HW4- Attempt 1, then there is nothing more you need to do.
      • Regardless of whether you submitted an initial attempt, you are welcome to submit HW4 by the 9/30 deadline.
    • Here are some tentative dates moving forward. These are subject to change (with notice), but I wanted to get these to you all so you can plan some.
      • HW7 (Standards 10-11) will be due on 9/28 at 8 PM. This assignment is quite short.
      • Quizzes over Standards 5-6 will:
        • Open on 9/26, and will
        • Close on 9/29 at 8 PM.
      • HW8 (Standard 12) will be due on 10/3 at 8 PM.
      • Quizzes over Standards 7-9 will:
        • Open on 10/3, and will
        • Close on 10/5 at 8 PM.
      • Quizzes over Standards 10-12 will:
        • Open on 10/10, and will
        • Close on 10/12 at 8 PM.
      • Requizzing Period 1 will:
        • Open on 10/17, and will
        • Close on 10/19 at 4 PM, so that I can get everything graded in a timely manner.
        • It will consist of 11 quizzes (Standards 1-3 and 5-12).
        • Each standard will be its own OAKS quiz (same format as the weekly quizzes).
        • If you have demonstrated proficiency twice for Standard X, then you do not need to take Quiz X on the Requizzing Period.
        • I will post a progress report prior to Requizzing Period 1, so you know where you stand and what you need to attempt.
      • Please note that the Withdrawal deadline is 10/25. It is therefore not possible to push Requizzing Period 1 back any further.
  • 9/13: HW6 is now posted. It is due on 9/24 at 8 PM.
  • 9/7: HW3 has been graded. The cutoff for a Standard 3 Overall Score of Proficiency required obtaining Proficiency or Outstanding on both questions.
  • 9/4:
    • HW2 has been graded. The cutoff for a Standard 2 Overall Score of Proficiency required meeting the following conditions:
      • Your Problem 2b score was Proficiency or Outstanding
      • You scored Progress or better on all problems
      • You scored on Problems 2a, 3, 4, 5: either (i) at least three Proficiencies, or (ii) two Outstandings and two Progress.
    • Quizzes 2-3 over Standards 2 and 3 will open on 9/12 and close on 9/14 at 8 PM.
    • HW5 is posted. It is due on 9/17 at 8 PM. This is the first HW with multiple standards. Note that standards-based grading incentivizes doing one-standard well, rather than attempting two standards. So I recommend prioritizing Standard 5, and then looking at Standard 6.
  • 8/31: Correction-- The initial HW4 submission is due on September 11, not September 7. The final due date will be no earlier than September 25 at 8 PM.
  • 8/29:
    • HW1 has been graded. Your Standard 1 Overall score on Gradescope is your grade on HW1. If you earned a Proficiency or Outstanding, then you have checked the box once towards Standard 1. The cutoff for Proficiency on Standard 1 Overall was >= (Progress, Proficiency, Proficiency) on (Q2, Q3, Q4) in that order.
    • Please note that the "points" on Gradescope are labels and carry no numeric value. The labels are Outstanding (4), Proficiency (3), Progress (2), Attempted (1), No Attempt (0). Gradescope does not let me use letters instead of numbers. So in particular, if your Standard 1 Overall score is a 3, that is full credit and not 75%.
    • You can revise HW1, Problems 3 or 4 (the last two problems) for full credit, provided you attempted those problems. If you received a No Attempt on Gradescope for either problem, then you cannot revise that problem. Revisions are due on 9/7 at 8 PM. I will have these graded before Requizzing Period 1, but may otherwise be slow to grade them. Please note that, unless otherwise stated, you will not be able to revise HW for credit in this class. The purpose of allowing revisions on HW1 is (i) to help you all calibrate to my expectations, and (ii) to encourage you all to review your mistakes before the quiz.
    • Quiz 1 over Standard 1 will open September 5 and will close on September 7 at 8 PM.
    • HW3 is now posted. It is due on September 6 at 8 PM.
    • HW4 is now posted. You can turn in an initial attempt for feedback on September 7 at 8 PM. The final due date will be set once I have graded the initial submissions. However, the final due date will be no earlier than September 21 at 8 PM. You can still submit to the final due date, even if you do not turn in an initial submission on September 7; in this case, you will not have the benefit of early feedback. If you submit by September 7 and you find your grade agreeable, then you can keep that grade and there is nothing more you will need to do.
  • 8/24: Due to unforseen circumstances, I need to change my office hours on Monday to 12-1 PM over Zoom. I apologize for any inconvenience!
  • 8/22:
    • HW1, Problem 3 had a typo with the base cases of the recurrence. I have fixed this and uploaded a revised version to OAKS.
    • HW2 is now open. It is due on Monday, September 2 at 8 PM.
  • 8/20:
    • You should be able to start on the first problem on HW1. We will cover strong induction and structural induction on Thursday, which are relevant for the last two problems on HW1.
    • Regarding LaTeX, I use MikTeX as my compiler on my local machine. Many folks are partial to Overleaf, which is a free online service. Because Overleaf is a third-party service, it may go out at inopportune times (such as during a quiz or requizzing period). For this reason, I am explicitly refraining from recommending Overleaf. You can use it at your own risk. There are many other LaTeX compilers-- you are welcome to use your favorite one.
  • 8/18: Please complete this optional Day One Survey.
  • 8/13: The Syllabus Quiz and HW1 are both due on 8/27 at 8 PM.
  • 6/26: Website created.