Contact Information
- Instructor: Michael Levet (He/Him/His)
- Contact: lastnamefirstinitial (at) cofc (dot) edu
- Office: Harbor Walk East 312
- Location:
- Section 1- HWEA 300: 9:55-11:10 (Tuesday/Thursday)
- Section 2- HWEA 300: 11:20-12:35 (Tuesday/Thursday)
- Zoom- Remote Synchronous, for those who wish to participate remotely.
- Office Hours (Tentative):
- Monday/Tuesday: 5:30-6:30 (Zoom)
- If I am in my office, please feel free to knock.
- By appointment
- Syllabus
- Google Forms: (You must be signed in to your CofC account to access these forms.)
- 2/22:
- The Unit 1 Quiz Average is calculated as follows.
- There have been 13 quizzes, including the Syllabus Quiz, Quizzes 1-4, and the Midterm.
- As the Midterm was graded out of 7.5 quizzes, your denominator is 12.5.
- Scheme 1: (Proficincies + Outstandings on the 13 quizzes)/12.5.
- Scheme 2: (Proficiencies + Outstandings on MT1)/7.5.
- Unit 1 Quiz Average: Maximum of Schemes 1-2.
- So for instance, if Scheme 1 = 76% and Scheme 2 = 93%, then your Unit 1 Quiz Average is 11.625/12.5 = 93%.
- Please check that your records agree with mine. If they do not, please use the Regrade Request Google Form.
- The Unit 1 Quiz Average is calculated as follows.
- 2/20: HW5 is now posted. It is due on 3/13 at 8 PM.
- 2/15: Class will be cancelled on 2/20 for the Midterm.
- 2/14: HW4 revisions (=corrections and detailed reflections) are due on 3/11 at 8 PM.
- 2/11:
Some final details about Midterm 1 (see also the announcement on 2/1).
- It will open on 2/20 at midnight and close on 2/22 at 8 PM.
- There will be 8 questions.
- The denominator for Midterm 1 will be 7.5 (so you can earn 8/7.5).
- 2/8:
- A minor correction: My office hours on February 17 will be 9:30-10:30 AM over Zoom. My office hours on February 18 will be 5:30-6:30 over Zoom (the usual time). My office hours on February 11 will be 3:30-4:30 over Zoom.
- HW3 Revisions (=Corrections AND Reflections) are due by 2/25 at 8 PM.
- 2/1:
- Revisions for HW2 are due on 2/16 at 8 PM.
- HW4 is now open. It will be due on 2/13 at 8 PM.
- There will not be any quizzes the week of 2/13.
- Midterm 1 will be remote asynchronous.
- It will run 2/20-2/22.
- Each question will be its own OAKS quiz, in the same format as our existing OAKS quizzes.
- It will cover the material on HW1-4 (through Boolean normal forms).
- I do not know how many questions will be on the midterm yet. I will communicate once I know.
- The topics of the questions will be clearly marked, as they have been for quizzes.
- As a reminder, the midterm is an individual effort. Consulting other people or generative AI is strictly prohibited.
- You are welcome to ask for extensions on HW4, as usual. However, please be aware that if you ask for an extension on HW4, then you might not receive feedback prior to Midterm 1.
- 1/28: My office hours on February 11 and February 18 will be moved to 3:30-4:30 over Zoom.
- 1/27:
- HW3 will open on 1/28 at 1 PM. It is due on 2/6 at 8 PM.
- Quizzes 3-4 will run from 2/6 through 2/8 at 8 PM.
- Quiz 3 will cover something related to the addition and majority functions (the latter was covered on the in-class worksheet).
- Quiz 4 will cover monotone functions. If you understood HW2, Problem 3, then you should likely be in good shape for this quiz.
- 1/22:
- Instead of holding class, I will hold office hours over Zoom from 10:45-11:45 AM. Please use the Office Hours link.
- Please use this time to work on HW1 Revisions and HW2.
- We will have two quizzes via OAKS, open from 1/30 through 2/1 at 8 PM. One quiz will cover Induction, and the other will cover Functional Descriptions and SLPs.
- 1/19:
- HW1 Revisions will be due on 2/3 at 8 PM.
- The point values on Gradescope do not impact your grade. The labels on the individual rubric items do. Please make sure you are looking at the individual rubric items to see whether you obtained Outstanding, Proficiency, Progress, Attempted, or No Attempt.
- 1/16: HW2 is now available. It is due on 1/28 at 8 PM.
- 1/11: I will be moving my Tuesday office hours this week to Thursday 1/16 from 4:30-5:30 PM, to ensure that you all have a reasonable opportunity to ask about HW1. Please also do not hesitate to reach out with questions via email or ask to meet by appointment.
- 1/6:
- Please fill out this Day One Survey
- In order to prepare homework and quizzes, you will need a tool to convert LaTeX source files into PDFs. I use MikTeX on my local machine (Windows). Overleaf is an online option; note that Overleaf is an interpreter and will sometimes push past compilation errors (this is not a good thing).
- You will not need the textbook on the first day of class.
- Please be aware that you are responsible for submitting assignments on time, even if Overleaf is down.
- The Syllabus Quiz is due on 1/16 at 8 PM.
- HW1 opens on 1/9 at 1 PM and is due on 1/17 at 8 PM.
- You will want access to some circuit simulator (so you can actually test your code, so to speak).
- I am partial to Logisim.
- Students using a Mac have found this version to be helpful. You might need to manually allow it in privacy.
- Other alternatives to Logisim are fine. There are many circuit simulators online-- a preliminary Google search should turn up results.
- 12/30: Website created.