Contact Information
- Instructor: Michael Levet (He/Him/His)
- Contact: lastnamefirstinitial (at) cofc (dot) edu
- Office: Harbor Walk East 312
- Location:
- Section 1- HWEA 300: 9:55-11:10 (Tuesday/Thursday)
- Section 2- HWEA 300: 11:20-12:35 (Tuesday/Thursday)
- Zoom- Remote Synchronous, for those who wish to participate remotely.
- Office Hours (Tentative):
- Monday/Tuesday: 5:30-6:30 (Zoom)
- If I am in my office, please feel free to knock.
- By appointment
- Syllabus
- Google Forms: (You must be signed in to your CofC account to access these forms.)
- 1/16: HW2 is now available. It is due on 1/28 at 8 PM.
- 1/11: I will be moving my Tuesday office hours this week to Thursday 1/16 from 4:30-5:30 PM, to ensure that you all have a reasonable opportunity to ask about HW1. Please also do not hesitate to reach out with questions via email or ask to meet by appointment.
- 1/6:
- Please fill out this Day One Survey
- In order to prepare homework and quizzes, you will need a tool to convert LaTeX source files into PDFs. I use MikTeX on my local machine (Windows). Overleaf is an online option; note that Overleaf is an interpreter and will sometimes push past compilation errors (this is not a good thing).
- You will not need the textbook on the first day of class.
- Please be aware that you are responsible for submitting assignments on time, even if Overleaf is down.
- The Syllabus Quiz is due on 1/16 at 8 PM.
- HW1 opens on 1/9 at 1 PM and is due on 1/17 at 8 PM.
- You will want access to some circuit simulator (so you can actually test your code, so to speak).
- I am partial to Logisim.
- Students using a Mac have found this version to be helpful. You might need to manually allow it in privacy.
- Other alternatives to Logisim are fine. There are many circuit simulators online-- a preliminary Google search should turn up results.
- 12/30: Website created.