Contact Information
- Instructor: Michael Levet (He/Him/His)
- Contact: lastnamefirstinitial (at) cofc (dot) edu
- Office: Harbor Walk East 312
- Location:
- Tuesday 2-3 PM
- Wednesday 2:30-3:30 PM
- Location: Harbor Walk West 305
- Zoom- Remote Synchronous, for those who wish to participate remotely.
- Office Hours (Tentative):
- Monday/Tuesday: 5:30-6:30 (Zoom)
- If I am in my office, please feel free to knock.
- By appointment
- 1/20:
- On 1/21, we will work on an in-class worksheet, that will double as HW3.
- The suggested deadline is 2/7 at 11:59 PM.
- 1/15: There was a typo on HW1. The XOR, NOT operations together do not form a complete basis. I have removed that problem and updated the file on OAKS.
- 1/14:
- On 1/15, we will work on an in-class worksheet, that will double as HW2.
- The suggested deadline is 1/27 at 11:59 PM.
- 1/7:
- HW1 will go online on 1/8; there are two problems (broken into multiple parts).
- There is a suggested deadline of 1/17 at 11:59 PM. You can submit assignments late.
- I will try to grade assignments in two-week sprints, and I recommend trying to develop a routine surrounding assignments. Doing 1-2 problems/week is reasonable.
- 1/6: Website created.