Teaching History:
- College of Charleston
- Fall 2024: CSCI 300 Seminar in Computing
- Fall 2024: CSCI 310 Advanced Algorithms (2 sections)
- Spring 2024: CSCI 410/CSIS 616 Automata Theory (1 section; Course Announcement)
- Spring 2024: CSCI 350 Digital Logic and Computer Organization (2 sections)
- Fall 2023: CSCI 310 Advanced Algorithms (2 sections)
- Fall 2023: CSCI 230 Data Structures and Algorithms (1 section)
- University of Colorado- Boulder
- Fall 2022: CSCI 3434 Theory of Computation (GTA)
- Fall 2021: CSCI 3104 Algorithms (Course Lead GTA)
- Summer 2021: CSCI 3104 Algorithms (Instructor- 2 Sections)
- Teaching Modality: Hybrid In-Person/Remote Synchronous
- Spring 2021: CSCI 4900 Directed Study in Computational Complexity (Instructor)
- Fall 2020: CSCI 3104 Algorithms (Course Lead GTA)
- Teaching Modality: Remote Synchronous
- Spring 2020: CSCI 3104 Algorithms (GTA; Emergency Co-Instructor)
- Teaching Modality: Remote Synchronous
- Spring 2020: Math 3140 Abstract Algebra (GTA)
- Fall 2019: CSCI 3104 Algorithms (GTA)
- Fall 2019: CSCI 3434 Theory of Computation (Lead GTA)
- Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
- Summer 2020: Proving What Can't Be Proven (PROV) Instructor of Record (4 sessions)
- Summer 2019: Fundamentals of Computer Science (FCPS) Instructor of Record (2 sessions)
- Summer 2018: Probability and Game Theory (GAME) Instructor of Record
- Summer 2018: Theory of Computation (TCOM) Instructor of Record
- University of South Carolina- Columbia:
- Summer 2019: Math 111 College Algebra (Instructor of Record- 1 section)
- Spring 2019: Math 122 Business Calculus (Instructor of Record- 1 section)
- Spring 2019: Math 141 Calculus I (Instructor of Record- 1 section)
- Spring 2019: Math 170 Finite Mathematics (Instructor of Record- 2 sections)
- Fall 2018: Math 122 Business Calculus (Instructor of Record- 3 sections)
- Fall 2018: Math 170 Finite Mathematics (Instructor of Record- 1 section)
- Spring 2018: Math 122 Business Calculus (Instructor of Record)
- Fall 2017: Math 115 Precalculus (Instructor of Record)
- Summer 2017: CSCE 355 Foundations of Computation (Instructor of Record)
- Spring 2017: Math 141 Calculus I (GTA for two lab and recitation sections)
- Fall 2016: Math 142 Calculus II (GTA for two lab and recitation sections)
- Summer 2016:
- CSCE 355 Foundations of Computation (Instructor of Record)
- Graduate Tutor for Math Tutoring Center
- Spring 2016:
- CSCE 146 Algorithmic Design II (GTA for one lab section)
- CSCE 551 Theory of Computation (GTA)
- Fall 2015:
- CSCE 145 Algorithmic Design I (GTA for one lab section)
- CSCE 355 Foundations of Computation (GTA)
- Virginia Tech:
- Spring 2015: CS 4114 Formal Languages and Automata Theory (UTA)
- Fall 2014: CS 4124 Theory of Computation (UTA)